Tuesday, March 23, 2010

40th Post Jesus Relationship with His Father Con't - John 8: 54- 55.

In this passage Jesus is still explaining that He is honoring His Father by doing His will. Jesus keeps telling the people that He (Jesus) has been sent from the Father (God) and He (Jesus) knows Him (God). You don't know Him (God); if you did you would recognize Me as being from Him (God). Jesus says "It is My Father who honors Me." Jesus is reminding them that when He (Jesus) performs a miracle, God the Father is allowing Him to do it. It is interesting that the people for the most part, do not think Jesus is telling them the truth. They come to listen for whatever reason, but don't really take what Jesus is saying seriously. Are you in that group? All roads lead to the Cross, we have not yet in this study followed Jesus to the cross. At some point in your life, you will have to make a decision of where you stand about Jesus. Is Jesus the Son of God? Or is He a liar. No one can answer that question for you but you. You need to do business with God at some point and before you die. If you die and have not accepted Jesus as your Savior, then you will spend eternity away from God. That is the choice.

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