Saturday, March 6, 2010

28th Post His Authority Continued - John 8: 14 - 19

This passage seems to contradict what Jesus said in John 7: 28 - 29. What we found out in our study of prophecy was that God's Word, the Bible can not contradict itself; when we believe that the Bible does this, it is our understanding of the Bible that is the problem not God's Word. The same holds here. If you re-read my previous post, you will see that I opened the door for this line of thought. Jesus said that "you know where I came from..." I went on to say that not all that heard Jesus believed this. This is what Jesus is addressing here. Jesus went on to say that if I witness of myself, My witness is true, for I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from and where I am going. Jesus is trying to say, I know I came from Heaven and the Father, for this reason my testimony is true. You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one. Jesus is saying that you are flesh (human), and as a human you will judge according to your human nature. Jesus said I do not judge. Jesus was making the point that you are human and not capable of understanding the things of God. This is why faith is required, you judge based on your human understanding and you do not know the ways of God. Jesus is saying that He being God would also judge according to God's understanding, and not man's. Jesus goes on to say that His judgment is true; for I am not alone. God the Father would back up His judgment. Then Jesus said it is also written in you law that the testimony of two men is true. Where did the Jews get their law from? It was given by God through Moses. You are still following this law, because you still believe in two witnesses. We will go into this in more detail during Jesus trial, that will come up much later in this study.

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