Thursday, March 18, 2010

34th Post Jesus Authority Con't - John 13:20

This passage takes place on Maundy Thursday (the night of Jesus Last Supper with His disciples before Jesus was betrayed). The time period of this passage is after the washing of the disciples feet and before Jesus tells the disciples that one of their own would betray Him. It is fitting, that we should find this passage here, and in the upper room. Jesus' earthly ministry is coming to a close and He is passing the mantle or authority on to His disciples. Remember Jesus is 100% God and 100% man; during His many passages concerning His Authority, that we have looked at here, Jesus provided us with a chain of comand. His Godly comand starts with the Father, goes through Him, and He then sends the Holy Spirit. We have not discussed the Holy Spirit much yet, but we will do so as Jesus continues to tell us about Himself in this study based on the words of Jesus. Jesus had a chain of authority for His human side as well. If you look back you will find that Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist and not in the Temple (the Jews did not believe in baptising Jews, because they were part of the chosen people.) Like the Old Testament, when the Jews drifted away from God, God would raise up a prophet to redirect the people back to God. This was John the Baptist's job to redirect the the people not only back to God, but to announce that the Jewish Messiah had finally arrived and introduced Him to the World. Jesus has almost completed His earthly ministry and before He does, he also has to pass his authority on to His disciples. His disciples, which on this night prove not to be the powerful force for God, they were intended to be. They become that force through the help of the Holy Spirit, the third part of the Godhead, but not the least as we will find out through our further study of Jesus in His Words. This completes the study of Jesus Authority, we will be looking at Jesus relationship with His Father in our next segment.

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