Saturday, March 20, 2010

37th Post Jesus Relationship with His Father - Con't.

Mark 14:36; Matthew 26: 39; and Luke 22:42, continued from previous blog post. We have been looking at Jesus in the Garden and His struggle with the cup. Jesus as God, knows that He has no choice in this matter. He (Jesus) must prevail in order to satisfy His Father's wishes. Now the Father is asking Jesus to become sin on our behalf to accomplish this. God the Father is asking Jesus to become something He can not even bear to look at. That is a tall request to ask let alone your own Son. Jesus also being God and feeling the same way about sin as His Father, has to actually become what His Father can not even look at!! Think about that. Jesus' love for us, is what gave Him the will to obey His Father's wishes. If Jesus did not drink of this cup, we would not be saved, and would still live under the consequences of the Law. Grace does not give us the power to turn completely away from the Law. The purpose of the Law was to point out sin, it still has that purpose today. The difference between believers and nonbelievers is that believers are forgiven!
John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that He gave his only Son... That passage does not say only believers at the beginning, it says the world; in order to claim everlasting life you have to make a decision to believe or not. If you have been struggling with making a decision, or need further information on this, please leave me a comment and I will get back to you.

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