Wednesday, March 17, 2010

33rd Post Jesus Authority Con't - John 12: 44 - 45

Jesus again in this passage, says "when you believe in Me, you believe not in Me but in the Father. And he who sees Me, sees the Father that sent Me." This goes along with the rest of the passages we have looked at so far. Jesus is telling the people again, that He is not here on His own but was sent by His Father to do the works of the Father. Jesus is establishing His power and authority are all linked to the Father God. The proof of this is in the fact Jesus performs miracles to show He is sent by God. The next time you are reading the Bible and come across Jesus performing a miracle, what does He do before He performs the miracle? He prays to His Father before He does the miracle and He prays thanking God for allowing Him to perform that miracle when He is done. Jesus is God in His own right, why would He do this? To confirm what Jesus has been saying that Jesus is here to do the will of His Father and not His own Will. It was very hard for the people living at the time of Jesus to believe and understand all the things Jesus Said. It seems that we also have those same questions and doubts. If you have doubts, I hope you will continue to read this blog along with your Bible; you need to keep reading your Bible in any case because it is the Word of God. God speaks through His Word, you need to learn more about God. God is a God of order, and Jesus is establishing that order through His Ministry. This is the same order that the Apostles will follow after Jesus leaves and goes back to Heaven.

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