Monday, March 1, 2010

24th Post - His Authority con't - John 5: 30 - 38.

This passage continues with Jesus saying that He can not do anything on His own but does the will of His Father that sent Him. Jesus does judge, His judgment is righteous because He does not seek His own will but the will of My Father who sent Me. The last several Bible passages were along this same line. Jesus is establishing the fact that Jesus does the will of His Father and the Father allows Jesus to perform miracles as proof that God is with Him; and that they are in agreement on everything Jesus does, because He (Jesus) is God's Son. Jesus is trying to tell the people that He is not like them and acts the way He does because He has to answer to His Father. Jesus goes on to say that if He bears witness to Himself (Jesus) His witness would not be true. There is another who bears witness to Me, and I know that the witness He says is True. Then Jesus says you (the people) sent to John (the Baptist), and he has borne witness to the truth. Here Jesus says that John the Baptist also declared witness to the truth. Jesus goes on to say yet I do not receive testimony from man, but I say these things that you might be saved. Jesus is telling the people here that He has the power to forgive sins. The Jews believe that God alone has the power to forgive sins. For this to be true, Jesus would have to be God. They could not believe this. Jesus said if you can not believe Me, believe the works that I do, because I could not do them with out the help of God. The miracles are the proof of what I say. The people could not believe that Jesus was who He said he was and could not believe that the miracles He (Jesus) performed were done in the Will of God. They continued to live in their unbelief. Jesus tells them the truth and yet they do not believe it. How many of you are reading this and feel that Jesus is not who He said He is? This question is the same now as it was then. Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), the Lord of Lords. Only you can answer this question.

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