Monday, December 27, 2010

212th Post Jesus on Love & Obedience Con't. - Comment Con't.

Jesus on Love and Obedience Continued. Obedience is commanded by God, as proof of His love for us. When we first come to God we feel we will never measure up to what God expects of us. This is true, we could never measure up to what God expects, God expects total perfection. We are not perfect! God knows this, He created us, He gave us free choice. It is this free choice that makes us always pick the wrong thing. As we study God's Word, we find that God gives us the power to say no to evil and the devil. We don't become sinless, we start to sin less. The sins we still commit, we ask God to forgive and He forgives them. This study is a study of Jesus Words and how they can change your life. If you have been reading this blog from the start post # 1, til now, you should see some kind of change within you. You don't look at the world the same way you did before. I did not do this, it is the power of Jesus Words. Hopefully, the approach applied in this study has given you a better idea of who Jesus is and what He expects for your life. Jesus does not want you to blindly follow Him; but to follow willfully and with peace and love. God wants to walk with you through this life, He wants to share the happy times and the sad times. God never promised that your road would be less rocky, or more profitable than another. What God did promise is that you will not go through it alone. God changes your perspective. Bad things happen to good and bad alike. The ones who know God, look at the situation differently.
How is your perspective? How is your walk??

211th Post Jesus Said On Love and Obedience - New Subject Comment.

This new part of our study will focus on Love and Obedience, not as the world looks at these subjects, but as God would like His people to look at them. This should be an interesting study, and may change the way you look at these words. The world loves conditionally. You love as you receive love. Most of us only know love on this level. God loves you unconditionally, that means He loves you no matter what you do. How can this be you say. While you were still in your sins Christ died for you. Why would God send His Son to die for you? When Adam ate the fruit in the Garden of Eden, Adam brought sin and separation between God and man into the world. Without reconciliation, all men would perish in hell. God's love for us, would not let this happen. We would have to be reconciled again to God. To achieve this, we needed another Adam, to take the sin out, that the first Adam had allowed in with his sin. This second Adam had to be stronger than the first, because He would have to resist the devil. The first Adam was not strong enough to accomplish this. The second Adam would be strong enough, because he was man and God. This is why Jesus had to be born of a virgin, if Jesus had two human parents; Jesus would be all human and not strong enough to resist the devil. If Jesus had two human parents, He would have been born into the same sin nature that we all have been born into. Being like us, He could not become the propitiation needed to reconcile us to God. He had to be man and divine also. I have run out of space again. Continued next blog.

210th Post Jesus Said on Faith Con't. - John 20: 27.

John 20: 27 - Jesus appears to the twelve and this time Thomas is with them. John 20: 24-29.
Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.
This passage takes place during the 40 days Jesus would walk the earth before returning back into heaven. Thomas was one of the last disciples to see Jesus alive after His crucifixion. He has been given the title of "doubter" because of this incident. Lets look into this story a little deeper, and find out why. Thomas was not present the other time Jesus appeared in the upper room to them. When the disciples told him about it, Thomas said "Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into His side, I will never believe." Crucifixion was one of the worst ways to die there was at that time. The Romans knew how to kill people, and how to make sure they were dead, before taking them down off the cross. If you look back at the account where Joseph and Nicodemus asked Pilate for the body, Pilate was surprised to see them, thinking Jesus could not be dead yet. That was why Pilate had a soldier put a spear into His side and out came water and blood. The Romans knew that when they saw this result the heart had stopped. This passage kills the swoon theory. Pilate released the body of Jesus to these men for burial. Thomas was very sure that Jesus was dead. That is why it was hard for him to believe that Jesus had arose from the Dead! After Thomas put his finger and hand into the proper spots, Thomas exclaimed "My Lord and My God!" Thomas was one of the first disciples to believe Jesus was Lord, the others did not believe until Pentecost. Do you believe even if you have not seen? Or are you like Thomas and need more proof?

Friday, December 24, 2010

209th Post Jesus Said on Faith Con't. - John 14: 12 - 14.

John 14: 12 - 14 Jesus talking to disciples in Upper Room on Maundy Thursday.
Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.
These words were spoken by Jesus at the end of his earthly ministry, just before He went to Gethsemane to be arrested and then crucified. This was the charge given to the disciples, so that they could continue the Lord's work. Notice Jesus tells them that they are capable of even greater works than what Jesus had done. Why did Jesus say this?? Since the disciples are not Jesus, people will tend to believe that they are not able to do miracles; the disciples will be able to do greater things in order to prove that they are in God's will, just like Jesus was. This was spoken by Jesus to extend the chain of command to include them. Even if the disciples perform greater miracles, they are not greater than Jesus! The student is never greater than their teacher!! This is always true!! The teacher knows more than they can teach others, so they will always be greater. Are you ready to share your knowledge of Jesus with others? That is the next step. Remember you can witness without saying a word. Make your walk your talk, and you will be a great witness.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

208th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - John 6: 29

John 6: 29 Part of Jesus "I am the Bread of Life" discourse.
This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.
This passage was spoken by Jesus about 1.1/2 year's into His earthly ministry. Jesus has just performed the following miracles, feeding the 5,000, and walking on water. Jesus never once, took the credit for the miracles or signs, He did. He always reminded the people that He (Jesus) was doing the work of His Father in Heaven. This is a hard concept to understand. If Jesus is God, why does He (Jesus) keep telling us He is doing the works of the Father? This all comes down to the chain of command. God the Father is First, Second comes Jesus, the Son of God, and Third comes the Holy Spirit. All three are God, they all do the same types of things, but they are all separate. This is the mystery of the Trinity. If you go back to the start of my teaching on this blog. Jesus spent a lot of time explaining that He (Jesus) and the Father were One. If you have seen Me you have seen the Father, etc. I think it is interesting how many people are trying to explain away Jesus' miracles, as exaggeration or myth. You can no more take the fact that these things did happen, than you can explain away His Virgin Birth and Resurrection! What do you think? Have you made the decision to follow Jesus yet?? It is up to you!

Monday, December 20, 2010

207th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Luke 24: 38 - 39.

Jesus appeared to the disciples in the upper room continued from last post.
People try to explain away the fact that Jesus died and rose again. Only God has the power to defeat death. If they can reduce Jesus to just a man, then they can get rid of Him. This is why Jesus Virgin Birth and Resurrection are so important! These are the two indisputable facts, that prove Jesus is Who He Says He Is!! Jesus could not have had two human parents, give Him life. If this was the case, he would be a man only and not God also! This is a stumbling block to a great many people. The more you study the Bible, the clearer this becomes. This is why the study of Jesus' words is so important. Jesus tells you that no one could take His Life and take it up again but Him (Jesus). When Jesus was bound by His mortal body, He could not move as freely in time and space. After His death, Jesus could disappear and reappear somewhere else all together. We say that Jesus conquered death, if that is true why do people still die? This is a promise that will be fulfilled when we mortals put on immortality at the Last Trumpet when Jesus comes again. When we study Jesus resurrection later in the study I will go into more detail. I hope these posts have helped you to understand this passage better.

206th Post Jesus on Faith Con't - Luke 24: 38 - 39

Jesus appears to the disciples in the upper room continued.
In this account Jesus is showing them His new resurrection body. We will be receiving ours, when Jesus comes again at the last Trumpet. The Bible is pretty clear on this if you pay attention to the clues. The Bible tells us that Jesus was the first to receive His resurrection body as part of His being the First Fruits. I will get into this in more detail when we look at Jesus up coming suffering and death, discussed later in this study. Jesus asked the disciples for food and drink. Jesus ate to show them that He was not a spirit. About this time in the teaching, questions start coming asking when we die what happens to our bodies, will people recognize us in Heaven? When I get these questions, I refer to the Transfiguration of Christ (Matthew 17: 1 - 13). Jesus and a small group of His most trusted disciples were alone on a Mountain top, when all of a sudden, a thick cloud covered them, they could see Elijah and Moses talking to Jesus. If Jesus is the first one to receive His resurrected body, and they could see Elijah and Moses, and they were recognized, this means if we die before the Second Coming of Christ at the Last Trumpet, our bodies will be in a similar state to Moses and Elijah. What exactly this state is, the Bible is unclear. I see I have run out of space again. Continued next post.

205th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Luke 24: 38 -39.

Luke 24: 38 - 39. Jesus appears to disciples in locked upper room after resurrection.
Why are you troubled? Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.
This passage is spoken by Jesus Easter Night, the disciples were locked inside the upper room, because they are hiding from the Jews and the Romans. This story has lost a lot of its impact over the years, due to the fact, that not much time is spent on this account. You read the words above and it looks like the disciples were afraid and full of unbelief. Put yourselves in their position just for a moment. They were in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was arrested, they saw His face with drops of Blood mingled with sweat, to a normal man this was a man dying as He stood. Yet Jesus would endure, two more whippings, carrying the cross bar of His cross to Golgotha and then live six more hours on the cross. The only way this was possible was that He also was God. His Father had commanded He do this, if He wanted to save us from eternal death. Jesus gladly paid this price for our salvation. This is what separates Him from all the other gods out there!! All roads lead to the CROSS!!! Not to Heaven! At some point you will have to come to Him and make your decision. I see I am out of space again. Will continue next post.

Friday, December 17, 2010

204th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Luke 17: 17 - 19

Luke 17: 17 - 19 Jesus heals the 10 Lepers.
Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner? Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well.
This passage comes toward the end of Jesus earthly ministry. Jesus is between Samaria and Galilee and has just entered a village when 10 lepers see Him, and cry from a distance, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us." This story starts (Luke 17: 11 - 19), Jesus tells them to "Go and show themselves to the priests." As they went they were cleansed. One of them seeing he was cleansed, returned to thank Jesus for healing him. Look at where this story takes place, and Jesus called one of them a foreigner, the foreigner was a Samaritan. The nine Jews traveling with this Samaritan were not as proud now as they would have been if they were healed. Jesus by this time in His ministry would have gone through Samaria many times, on His way North and South, from Jerusalem to Galilee, so it is quite possible the Samaritan knew who Jesus was without the help of the Jews with him. The priests were the only ones who could judge if someone was healed or not. It is interesting, that the Samaritan upon seeing he was cleansed, came back to thank Jesus. The one least likely to return, returns to thank Jesus. When God answers our prayers, do we stop and Thank Him?? We should, you know. How is your walk??

Thursday, December 16, 2010

203rd Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Luke 11: 5 - 13; Matthew 7: 7 - 11 Con't.

Luke 11: 5 - 13; Matthew 7: 7 - 11 Continued from post 202.
The key to unlocking this passage is remembering what Jesus was talking about right before He spoke this passage. We are talking about prayer here. Those of you who are reading this blog and not taking my class, may have heard of the prayer group (A.S.K.), this a group that prays for others based on prayer requests they receive from a larger group. You can start a group like this within your Sunday School class or Church. A.S.K. stands for Ask, Seek, Knock; You can also do this on your own, it can be added to your prayer journal, etc. But this is not all of what this passage is about. You may get questions from others concerning the fate of people who never heard of Jesus before. If they are genuinely seeking the Lord, He will make himself known to them. The Bible is full of such examples. Why is Job's lineage not found in 1 Chronicles chapters 1 - 9? Job was not a Hebrew, yet He knew the Most High God, sacrificed to Him, all without the help of Abraham. The Bible does not say if Job ever met Abraham even. Jethro, Moses Father-in-law, He was a Midianite (The off spring of Abraham but not Jewish) and He followed the Most High God. There are many others. Our God is a God of Mercy, and He will give mercy to anyone who asks, seeks, or knocks. The last line of this text does not seem to answer the questions concerning food, mentioned in the earlier part of the text but it does, it goes to the deeper question of your life after death. Do you really know this Jesus?? Do you really follow Him?? If not, make the decision! It is up to you!!

202nd Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Luke 11: 5 - 13; Matthew 7: 7 - 11.

Luke 11: 5 - 13; Matthew 7: 7 - 11
Which of you shall have a friend, and go to him at midnight and say to him, "Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine has come to me on his journey, and I have nothing to set before him"; and he will answer from within and say, "Do not trouble me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I can not rise and give to you"? I say to you, though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs. So I say to you, ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!
This was spoken by Jesus as part of His Sermon on the Mount and it comes right after the Lord's Prayer. You need to keep all this in mind as you are trying to unlock this passage. This comes about 1.1/2 years into Jesus earthly ministry. After the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, Jesus speaks the "Lord's prayer", then right after Jesus finishes, he starts in with our text
for this blog post. Look at everything Jesus tells you in this text, the time, the inconvenience of the request, the response of the person being asked, the persistence of the man making the request, the action of the person being asked; and finally Jesus last remark at the end of this text. I see I have run out of space again. Continued next blog.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

201st Post Jesus on Faith Con't - Luke 7: 48, 50

Luke 7: 48,50. A Sinful Woman Forgiven - Continued from previous post.
At the end of last post Jesus tells the woman her sins which are many are forgiven. The people in Simon's house take issue with that. To a Jew, only God can forgive sin. Simon believes Jesus to be a man of God, maybe even a prophet, but Son of God? This a stumbling block, even for us today. We read of Jesus many miracles, turning water into wine good enough to fool a wine steward of its vintage. Raising people from the dead, casting out demons, feeding huge crowds. All of these things sound to fantastic to have happened. Why did Jesus do these things? The Old Testament Prophets foretold, this would come to pass, even down to a virgin giving birth to a Son in Bethlehem. Jesus credentials are there for all to look at. Some say it is a leap of faith to believe in Christianity. I say after you have read the Bible for a while, you come to the conclusion it is a bigger leap of faith not to believe. You have to understand, that this Simon may have known Jesus earthly parents, did not know of His virgin birth. So as far as Simon knows Jesus is a mortal man. Simon understands Jesus to be some sort of prophet, Simon is not sold on Jesus being the Son of God. At least not yet. You, who are reading this blog, do you believe Jesus is the Son of God?? Do you need more proof?? Who do you think Jesus is??

200th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Luke 7: 48, 50

Luke 7: 48, 50. A Sinful Woman Forgiven.
Your sins are forgiven. Your faith has saved you. Go in Peace.
This passage was spoken by Jesus about 1.1/2 years into His earthly ministry. John the Baptist is still alive; and this story takes place around Capernaum, not Bethany, this story deals with a sinful woman not Mary, Lazarus's sister. This whole story is found in Luke 7: 36 - 50. The story opens with a Pharisee asking Jesus to come to his house and eat with him. Jesus was reclining at the table, and she brought an alabaster flask of ointment. Luke makes mention about the flask in order for his readers to understand what kind of ointment. Alabaster is a translucent stone used in holding costly ointments. The woman stands behind Jesus and weeping she starts to wash Jesus feet with her tears and dry His feet with her hair, and annointed them with the ointment. Luke tells you the name of this Pharisee, Simon. Simon is a pretty common name in Israel, this is not Simon the Leper, that Simon lived in Bethany. This is a different Simon. Simon is watching this happen in his house, and he is thinking that if Jesus were a prophet, He would know what sort of woman this is. Jesus reading his thoughts tells him a story about two debtors, one owed a lot the other only a little. The moneylender cancelled both debts. Jesus asked Simon which debtor would love the lender more. Simon picked the one who owed the bigger debt. Jesus said "you have judged rightly." Jesus turns to the woman and says to Simon, "I entered your house and you gave me no water to wash my feet, she has washed them with her tears, you gave me no ointment, but she has. Therefore her sins which are many are forgiven because she loved much.
I have run out of space again, stay tuned to next blog.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

199th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Luke 7:9

Luke 7: 9 The healing of the Centurion's Servant (see blog #189 also).
I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!
This passage comes right after Jesus Sermon on the Mount; and was about 1.1/2 years into Jesus earthly ministry. The Luke account gives way more information about this Roman Centurion, than the account in Matthew 8: 13. Matthew was silent on whether or not the Centurion was a believer. Luke, on the other hand, tells you the Centurion was not only a Jewish believer but helped build the Synagogue in Capernaum and that he loved the Jewish people. The Luke account tells you that the Centurion had Jewish leaders go to Jesus and ask Him to heal his servant, because the Roman felt unworthy to ask Jesus himself. This tells you that the Centurion knew Jewish Customs, and was willing to humble himself for the sake of his servant. This Centurion had the right understanding of God, that Jesus was trying to teach the other Jews. The Jews thought the rituals would save them, not what the rituals were trying to teach them about God. Clearly this Centurion had gotten this message, and changed his life accordingly, by practicing what he had learned. I believe this is why, this story was listed twice in our book. The Centurion's understanding of authority, was enough for Jesus to heal his servant. Then this account in Luke, does not dwell on the Centurion's knowledge of authority, but on his understanding of the Jews, their customs and their religion. The Centurion was the whole package, and got his needs met for two different reasons. Do you have a faith like this Roman Centurion? You can, with a little work. How are you going to be remembered??

Monday, December 13, 2010

198th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Mark 9: 23.

Mark 9: 23 Healing of a Boy with an unclean Spirit. (Mark 9: 14 - 29).
If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.
You will notice that this seems to be the same account as the post of 194. In the post of 194, Jesus was healing a boy with epilepsy, this is disease which once it comes on, it stays for life. The Jews did not believe that demons could possess people forever, but for periods of time only. Both situations were called demon possession because they did not understand medically the difference, but they knew somehow that these were not the same situations. Like epilepsy, you can seem normal until an attack happens, then you act in a totally different manner. This is how they are similar; the demon possessed person only acts like it when the demon is actually possessing him. The person with epilepsy seems to be be possessed intermittently, while the demon possessed person is constantly tormented until the demon is cast out or he (the demon) leaves. Both of these situations require more attention then the disciples could handle. This is why they failed in both accounts. The fact that they failed, make us think this is the same account. This is why I keep saying these are two different situations, but are very similar in nature and easy to miss. Most commentaries lump these together also, if you do a word search of these accounts you will see the Apostles used two different words to describe these demon possessed boys.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

197th Post Jesus on Faith Con't - Mark 5:36

Mark 5: 36; Luke 8:50 Jesus heals Jarius' daughter.
"Do not be afraid; only believe."
Jesus was on His way to Jarius' house when the woman who had bleeding for 12 years came up and touched Jesus garment see Post 190. This situation with the woman took some time, and Jarius' household came to him to say it was too late, his daughter had died. Jesus told Jarius to believe that his daughter was not dead. Jesus and Jarius went together to Jarius house, when they got there there was a crowd of people outside crying and mourning, Jesus seeing the commotion asked why they were weeping, the child is only asleep and not dead. When the crowd heard this they laughed at Jesus. Jesus went to where the child was and told her to get up, and she got up. What is interesting about this story is remembering who Jarius was and where he works. Jarius was the ruler of the Synagogue, Jarius would be a Pharisee in order to be connected with the Synagogue at all. Usually, the Synagogue would be part of their house. Think how hard it would be for a father to watch his daughter suffer to the point of death, knowing there was a person in his own town that could heal her. Jarius would have been well aware of the Pharisees position on Jesus, they kept wanting to know by whose authority Jesus performed His miracles. This would have been a hard decision to make, by thinking of his daughter first, he could be shunned by the rest of the Pharisees in his area, at best and excommunicated at worst. What would you do??

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

196th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. Jesus Curses the Fig Tree Con't.

The rest of the way to Jerusalem, the disciples are trying to understand what had happened, why Jesus got so mad at the tree, and that the tree started to die on the spot. The tree had fresh leaves on it, meaning the fruit has already appeared on the tree. In the Middle East, the Fig Tree loses its leaves, and becomes dormant out of season, the fruit comes on the tree first, and the leaves appear after the fruit has come out to protect the fruit from the sun. Jesus was well aware that figs were not in season, but this tree was advertising that it indeed had figs! This tree was being a hypocrite, by saying it was something it was not. Just as Jesus was doing with His group, He exposed the tree for what it was, and caused it to die. Dual mindedness is one thing God hates. If you are for Jesus, then be all in. Jesus does not want you when you follow Him only when it is convenient or easy. Remember that this story takes place right after Jesus "Triumphant Entry" into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Remember that this tree was by the road Jesus took twice a day, going to and from Jerusalem from Bethany. Each time the disciples past this tree, it reminded them what Jesus had done there. In your quiet time, think about this story and what you know of John chapter 15. You will get a better understanding of this passage if you think on it further. Is your faith true? Or are you more like this fig tree? It is up to you!

195th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Matthew 21: 21 - 22

Matthew 21: 21 - 22; Mark 11: 22 - 23; Luke 17: 6. Jesus curses the fig tree.
Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, "Be removed and be cast into the sea," it will be done. And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.
This passage was spoken by Jesus during the last week of His earthly ministry. This passage can be hard to understand without explanation. Jesus was having trouble with the disciples and strengthening their faith; and the unbelief of His followers, and the up swell of hatred of Him by the religious leaders. This story takes place early in the week of His last week before He was to die on the cross. Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem from Bethany and He is hungry, He sees a fig tree already in leaf. This is not the season for figs, the tree has leaves on it, which means the fruit has already come out. Jesus goes out of His way to go to the fig tree for fruit, but finds no fruit on the tree at all. Jesus gets angry and curses the tree for its lack of fruit, and the tree starts to wither and die on the spot. The disciples feel Jesus over reacted when He caused the tree to die. You may feel the same way when reading this passage. Hopefully, after this explanation, you will understand why Jesus did what He did. I am again at the end of my allotted space with more to say on this subject. This will be continued next post.

Monday, December 6, 2010

194th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Matthew 17: 20

Matthew 17: 20; Luke 17:6 Jesus heals a demon possessed boy Matthew 17: 14 - 21.
Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
Jesus is near the Northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, and this is toward the end of His earthly ministry. Jesus was letting the disciples to do more and more of His work, kind of like on the job training. This man brought his epileptic son to Jesus to be healed; His disciples tried to heal the boy first but could not. The man went directly to Jesus and asked Him to heal his son. After the boy had been healed, the disciples came up to Jesus privately and asked why they were not able to cast out this demon. Jesus told them it was because of their lack of faith. Then Jesus told the disciples if they had faith the size of a mustard seed, they would be able to move a mountain. This was a big slap in the face to His disciples by Jesus. Mustard seeds are some of the smallest seeds in nature. Jesus told the disciples if you had faith like a mustard seed; because of the small size of this seed, Jesus was telling them their faith was almost non existent. Jesus knew that His time of ministry was coming to an end; and the disciples were a long way from carrying on His ministry. This is a valuable lesson for us today, just going through the motions is not the same as being properly prepared for the task. How is your faith??

193rd Post Jesus On Faith Con't. - Matthew 15: 28 Continued.

Matthew 15: 28; Mark 7: 29 The Canaanite Woman continued.
Jesus ignores her and responds "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Look at what Jesus tells her, I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. You being a Canaanite woman, are neither a believer in the Most High God, nor are you a Jew. Why should I help you? Was His response. This also seems to be unlike Jesus, who in earlier accounts in the Gospels had performed miracles for unbeliever's before, why not now! You have to remember that Jesus being God, could look at her heart, Jesus knowing her heart, wanted to teach His disciples and other believing Jews about her faith. This woman did not stop coming to Jesus, in verse 25 the Bible says that she knelt down before Jesus and said "Lord help me." She is begging Jesus to help her daughter. Jesus answers her beg with "It is not right to take the children's (Jews) bread and throw it to the dogs (unbelievers)." Jesus is reminding her that she is neither a Jew nor a believer, she has no right to ask Him for help for her daughter. Again, she does not back down, but counters what Jesus said with "Yes Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." The woman has said a lot here. The dogs that Jesus was talking about were the wild packs of dogs that run wild and can kill people. The woman turned the word around by saying dogs that eat from their master's table. These dogs were once wild, but have been domesticated and can live as a member of the master's household. These animals are less than actual members of his family, but they get fed and are protected from harm, like the rest of his family. This woman was reminding Jesus that His words and deeds have power, and can change even unbeliever's hearts, to followers of God. Just like a wild dog can be changed from wild to house pet. This is what Jesus was waiting for, He knew that she had enough faith to save her daughter, and by talking with her in this way showed the disciples her faith as well. We don't like it when God tests our faith, because it is uncomfortable, God could be using you to be an example for someone else, just like in this story. How strong is your faith??

192nd Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Matthew 15: 28

Matthew 15: 28; Mark 7: 29 The Faith of a Canaanite Woman Matthew 15: 21 - 28.
O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.
This passage was spoken by Jesus about halfway through to toward the end of His earthly ministry. Popular opinion was turning against Him and He had to flee for His life. This story takes place in the area of Tyre and Sidon, North of the kingdom of Israel in a pagan stronghold. You need to remember this for this story to make any sense. The Bible refers to her as a Canaanite woman, this could be because of where she lived, or refers to her religious beliefs or both; the Bible does not say if she was a believer or not. We first meet this woman crying out to Jesus saying "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon." This is very interesting, Jesus came to this region because the Jews did not believe His claims to be the Messiah and the Son of God. Jesus fled to this area because He knew that the Jews here would not know Him or His agenda. Look at what this woman tells Him, "O Lord, Son of David." She just told Jesus, she knows exactly who He is, and where He came from! Jesus ignores her. This seems very much unlike the Jesus, we have come to know from previous passages in the Gospels. Why did Jesus seem to ignore her? I see I am running out of space for this post, so I will have to continue next post.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

191st Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Matthew 9: 29

Matthew 9: 29 Jesus heals two blind men.
According to your faith let it be to you.
This passage was spoken by Jesus about 1.1/2 years into His earthly ministry. This story starts with verse 27. These two blind men called out loud to Jesus saying "Have mercy on us , Son of David." This situation is different from the woman who was bleeding for 12 years. The Bible does not record her saying anything to Jesus before she touched His garment. These blind men called Jesus the son of David; by using these words they were telling Jesus that they were Jews and believed Jesus to be the Messiah. Jesus entered a house and the blind men followed Him. Jesus asked if they believed He could do what they asked. Yes, they told Him. They did not have to wash in a pool like the man near the pool of Siloam. Jesus touched their eyes and they were healed. Jesus told them not to tell anyone what had happened, they agreed and then went and spread the news far and wide. Why did Jesus tell them to keep this healing to themselves? Capernaum is the city in which this story takes place. Jesus curses Capernaum for not believing His teachings or His miracles performed within the city limits. Jesus told them it would go better for Sodom on the day of judgement than for them. This is why Jesus told the blind men to keep this quiet.

190th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Matthew 9: 22; Mark 5: 34; Luke 8: 48.

Matthew 9: 22; Mark 5: 34; Luke 8:48. The woman bleeding for 12 years.
Be of good cheer daughter, your faith has made you well.
This passage was spoken by Jesus about halfway through His earthly ministry. This passage in Matthew, tells only the bare facts; Mark gives more information concerning this woman. In Mark, you learn that she had tried to get cured by going to many physicians, had spent all her money and she had gotten worse. Luke's account is much the same as Mark's. The Bible is not clear on the condition of this woman's heart, was she a believer or not. Holy Men in the ancient world were believed to carry the power of healing, and could heal just by touching them or their clothes. It is said the Peter's shadow could heal people (after the death of Jesus). This woman was familiar with this idea, and moved through the crowd to just brush against Jesus. When she did this, Jesus felt some of His power go out of Him and He asked "Who touched Me?" Jesus is God, He knew exactly who touched Him and with what part of her body she had touched Him. Why did Jesus say "Who touched Me?" He wanted this woman to be known publicly. When she came forward and admitted, Jesus told her to be of good cheer your faith had made you well. Desperation, can sometimes drive us to try anything no matter how crazy it sounds. She knew Jesus was a Holy Man and as such, He had the power of healing. This was her faith and this healed her. How is your faith?

189th Post Jesus Said on Faith Con't. - Matthew 8: 13

Matthew 8: 13
Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.
This passage comes right after Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and is 1.1/2 years into His earthly ministry. This passage takes place after the meeting between Jesus and a Roman Centurion. The Centurion comes up to Jesus and asks him (Jesus) to heal the Roman's sick slave. Jesus asks where the Centurion lives so that He may accompany the Roman to his house. The Roman responds, that my house is unclean for you, but you are a man of authority. I also am under authority. I tell this one to go here and he goes. The Roman tells Jesus to just say the word and his slave will be healed. The Jews kept asking Jesus by what authority He did the things He did. Here is a Roman soldier that not only understood Jesus was a person under authority, but believed that Jesus would do what the Roman soldier asked. Jesus told the Jews that He had not seen as much faith in all of Israel as this Roman soldier had. Faith is something that the Jews has had a problem with through out their history. Their lack of faith caused them to doubt and to turn to unbelief. When you look at the teachings of the Bible, it seems to boil down into Trust and Obey. When the Jews lost their trust, they started to disobey. This lesson is not just for people living during Jesus' time, it is just as important for us today. People say today that the miracles that were done in the Bible happened a long time ago. When you walk with God, miracles still happen. How is your faith??

Friday, December 3, 2010

188th Post Jesus Said on Faith - New Topic Message

Faith is the new topic we will look at. This post is to introduce this new topic. Jesus was constantly telling the Jews they had little faith. What is faith? And why is it necessary to have a lot of it? I believe that doubt is the opposite of faith. God's Word is full of examples, where we are to trust God to keep His Word. This is very hard for us, because people hardly keep their word, so we believe that God will be the same way. Not keeping your word is the way of the world. When you decide to follow Jesus, you must make a choice; to follow Jesus or to stay with what the world teaches. God is true, and if you follow Him you must believe that He is True. When you first become a believer, what you know is truth, and what you believe is faith. Faith is knowing that something is true, but you can't prove it. When you become a new Christian, your faith ceiling is very high; especially if you don't know much of God's Word. As you learn more about God, through His Word and in Church, your knowledge level grows and your faith ceiling gets smaller. This is because your knowledge is growing faster than your faith ceiling. At some point, your knowledge reaches your faith ceiling. At this time you become uneasy and uncomfortable, and feel like God has left you. You are feeling spiritually, what you felt growing up when you physically changed from baby, to child, to adult. If you remain true to God during these times of spiritual growth, your faith ceiling will expand each time you break through the old ceiling. Your faith ceiling will be higher each time you pass a growth period. What is the condition of your faith??

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

187th Post Jesus On Religious Practices Con't. - Matthew 7:6

Matthew 7: 6 Jesus said on Religious Practices Continued Pearls before swine.
Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.
This passage was spoken by Jesus as part of His Sermon on the Mount and was about 1.1/2 years into His earthly ministry. What does this passage mean? We don't use these words much today, so to unlock this passage you need to look at what it meant when Jesus spoke them. Packs of wild dogs were a real problem during the time of Jesus. They could appear anywhere and could turn on you at any time. Jesus could have been thinking about this, when He spoke these words. Dogs, was another term the Jews gave to pagans, and other people they hated. Swine or pigs are thought of pretty much the same way today as during Jesus' time. It is interesting that Matthew Chapter 7 opens with "Judge Not"; and yet you have to discern between people to know which group you are dealing with. I used two different words to distinguish between the groups. We are not to judge, only God can do that! Knowing the people you are with is very important. Think about witnessing for a moment. If you are in a crowd that does not want to hear about Jesus, they will attack you and your message until you retreat. This is what Jesus was talking about. We will get into this later when Jesus appears before Religious Leaders when they are trying to kill Him. Jesus was very silent at those times and only told them the Truth, but He was not rewarded correctly for His answers.