Wednesday, December 8, 2010

197th Post Jesus on Faith Con't - Mark 5:36

Mark 5: 36; Luke 8:50 Jesus heals Jarius' daughter.
"Do not be afraid; only believe."
Jesus was on His way to Jarius' house when the woman who had bleeding for 12 years came up and touched Jesus garment see Post 190. This situation with the woman took some time, and Jarius' household came to him to say it was too late, his daughter had died. Jesus told Jarius to believe that his daughter was not dead. Jesus and Jarius went together to Jarius house, when they got there there was a crowd of people outside crying and mourning, Jesus seeing the commotion asked why they were weeping, the child is only asleep and not dead. When the crowd heard this they laughed at Jesus. Jesus went to where the child was and told her to get up, and she got up. What is interesting about this story is remembering who Jarius was and where he works. Jarius was the ruler of the Synagogue, Jarius would be a Pharisee in order to be connected with the Synagogue at all. Usually, the Synagogue would be part of their house. Think how hard it would be for a father to watch his daughter suffer to the point of death, knowing there was a person in his own town that could heal her. Jarius would have been well aware of the Pharisees position on Jesus, they kept wanting to know by whose authority Jesus performed His miracles. This would have been a hard decision to make, by thinking of his daughter first, he could be shunned by the rest of the Pharisees in his area, at best and excommunicated at worst. What would you do??

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