Wednesday, December 1, 2010

187th Post Jesus On Religious Practices Con't. - Matthew 7:6

Matthew 7: 6 Jesus said on Religious Practices Continued Pearls before swine.
Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.
This passage was spoken by Jesus as part of His Sermon on the Mount and was about 1.1/2 years into His earthly ministry. What does this passage mean? We don't use these words much today, so to unlock this passage you need to look at what it meant when Jesus spoke them. Packs of wild dogs were a real problem during the time of Jesus. They could appear anywhere and could turn on you at any time. Jesus could have been thinking about this, when He spoke these words. Dogs, was another term the Jews gave to pagans, and other people they hated. Swine or pigs are thought of pretty much the same way today as during Jesus' time. It is interesting that Matthew Chapter 7 opens with "Judge Not"; and yet you have to discern between people to know which group you are dealing with. I used two different words to distinguish between the groups. We are not to judge, only God can do that! Knowing the people you are with is very important. Think about witnessing for a moment. If you are in a crowd that does not want to hear about Jesus, they will attack you and your message until you retreat. This is what Jesus was talking about. We will get into this later when Jesus appears before Religious Leaders when they are trying to kill Him. Jesus was very silent at those times and only told them the Truth, but He was not rewarded correctly for His answers.

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