Wednesday, December 22, 2010

208th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - John 6: 29

John 6: 29 Part of Jesus "I am the Bread of Life" discourse.
This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.
This passage was spoken by Jesus about 1.1/2 year's into His earthly ministry. Jesus has just performed the following miracles, feeding the 5,000, and walking on water. Jesus never once, took the credit for the miracles or signs, He did. He always reminded the people that He (Jesus) was doing the work of His Father in Heaven. This is a hard concept to understand. If Jesus is God, why does He (Jesus) keep telling us He is doing the works of the Father? This all comes down to the chain of command. God the Father is First, Second comes Jesus, the Son of God, and Third comes the Holy Spirit. All three are God, they all do the same types of things, but they are all separate. This is the mystery of the Trinity. If you go back to the start of my teaching on this blog. Jesus spent a lot of time explaining that He (Jesus) and the Father were One. If you have seen Me you have seen the Father, etc. I think it is interesting how many people are trying to explain away Jesus' miracles, as exaggeration or myth. You can no more take the fact that these things did happen, than you can explain away His Virgin Birth and Resurrection! What do you think? Have you made the decision to follow Jesus yet?? It is up to you!

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