Monday, December 20, 2010

207th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Luke 24: 38 - 39.

Jesus appeared to the disciples in the upper room continued from last post.
People try to explain away the fact that Jesus died and rose again. Only God has the power to defeat death. If they can reduce Jesus to just a man, then they can get rid of Him. This is why Jesus Virgin Birth and Resurrection are so important! These are the two indisputable facts, that prove Jesus is Who He Says He Is!! Jesus could not have had two human parents, give Him life. If this was the case, he would be a man only and not God also! This is a stumbling block to a great many people. The more you study the Bible, the clearer this becomes. This is why the study of Jesus' words is so important. Jesus tells you that no one could take His Life and take it up again but Him (Jesus). When Jesus was bound by His mortal body, He could not move as freely in time and space. After His death, Jesus could disappear and reappear somewhere else all together. We say that Jesus conquered death, if that is true why do people still die? This is a promise that will be fulfilled when we mortals put on immortality at the Last Trumpet when Jesus comes again. When we study Jesus resurrection later in the study I will go into more detail. I hope these posts have helped you to understand this passage better.

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