Monday, December 6, 2010

193rd Post Jesus On Faith Con't. - Matthew 15: 28 Continued.

Matthew 15: 28; Mark 7: 29 The Canaanite Woman continued.
Jesus ignores her and responds "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Look at what Jesus tells her, I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. You being a Canaanite woman, are neither a believer in the Most High God, nor are you a Jew. Why should I help you? Was His response. This also seems to be unlike Jesus, who in earlier accounts in the Gospels had performed miracles for unbeliever's before, why not now! You have to remember that Jesus being God, could look at her heart, Jesus knowing her heart, wanted to teach His disciples and other believing Jews about her faith. This woman did not stop coming to Jesus, in verse 25 the Bible says that she knelt down before Jesus and said "Lord help me." She is begging Jesus to help her daughter. Jesus answers her beg with "It is not right to take the children's (Jews) bread and throw it to the dogs (unbelievers)." Jesus is reminding her that she is neither a Jew nor a believer, she has no right to ask Him for help for her daughter. Again, she does not back down, but counters what Jesus said with "Yes Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." The woman has said a lot here. The dogs that Jesus was talking about were the wild packs of dogs that run wild and can kill people. The woman turned the word around by saying dogs that eat from their master's table. These dogs were once wild, but have been domesticated and can live as a member of the master's household. These animals are less than actual members of his family, but they get fed and are protected from harm, like the rest of his family. This woman was reminding Jesus that His words and deeds have power, and can change even unbeliever's hearts, to followers of God. Just like a wild dog can be changed from wild to house pet. This is what Jesus was waiting for, He knew that she had enough faith to save her daughter, and by talking with her in this way showed the disciples her faith as well. We don't like it when God tests our faith, because it is uncomfortable, God could be using you to be an example for someone else, just like in this story. How strong is your faith??

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