Friday, December 3, 2010

188th Post Jesus Said on Faith - New Topic Message

Faith is the new topic we will look at. This post is to introduce this new topic. Jesus was constantly telling the Jews they had little faith. What is faith? And why is it necessary to have a lot of it? I believe that doubt is the opposite of faith. God's Word is full of examples, where we are to trust God to keep His Word. This is very hard for us, because people hardly keep their word, so we believe that God will be the same way. Not keeping your word is the way of the world. When you decide to follow Jesus, you must make a choice; to follow Jesus or to stay with what the world teaches. God is true, and if you follow Him you must believe that He is True. When you first become a believer, what you know is truth, and what you believe is faith. Faith is knowing that something is true, but you can't prove it. When you become a new Christian, your faith ceiling is very high; especially if you don't know much of God's Word. As you learn more about God, through His Word and in Church, your knowledge level grows and your faith ceiling gets smaller. This is because your knowledge is growing faster than your faith ceiling. At some point, your knowledge reaches your faith ceiling. At this time you become uneasy and uncomfortable, and feel like God has left you. You are feeling spiritually, what you felt growing up when you physically changed from baby, to child, to adult. If you remain true to God during these times of spiritual growth, your faith ceiling will expand each time you break through the old ceiling. Your faith ceiling will be higher each time you pass a growth period. What is the condition of your faith??

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