Friday, December 17, 2010

204th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Luke 17: 17 - 19

Luke 17: 17 - 19 Jesus heals the 10 Lepers.
Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner? Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well.
This passage comes toward the end of Jesus earthly ministry. Jesus is between Samaria and Galilee and has just entered a village when 10 lepers see Him, and cry from a distance, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us." This story starts (Luke 17: 11 - 19), Jesus tells them to "Go and show themselves to the priests." As they went they were cleansed. One of them seeing he was cleansed, returned to thank Jesus for healing him. Look at where this story takes place, and Jesus called one of them a foreigner, the foreigner was a Samaritan. The nine Jews traveling with this Samaritan were not as proud now as they would have been if they were healed. Jesus by this time in His ministry would have gone through Samaria many times, on His way North and South, from Jerusalem to Galilee, so it is quite possible the Samaritan knew who Jesus was without the help of the Jews with him. The priests were the only ones who could judge if someone was healed or not. It is interesting, that the Samaritan upon seeing he was cleansed, came back to thank Jesus. The one least likely to return, returns to thank Jesus. When God answers our prayers, do we stop and Thank Him?? We should, you know. How is your walk??

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