Monday, December 20, 2010

205th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Luke 24: 38 -39.

Luke 24: 38 - 39. Jesus appears to disciples in locked upper room after resurrection.
Why are you troubled? Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.
This passage is spoken by Jesus Easter Night, the disciples were locked inside the upper room, because they are hiding from the Jews and the Romans. This story has lost a lot of its impact over the years, due to the fact, that not much time is spent on this account. You read the words above and it looks like the disciples were afraid and full of unbelief. Put yourselves in their position just for a moment. They were in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was arrested, they saw His face with drops of Blood mingled with sweat, to a normal man this was a man dying as He stood. Yet Jesus would endure, two more whippings, carrying the cross bar of His cross to Golgotha and then live six more hours on the cross. The only way this was possible was that He also was God. His Father had commanded He do this, if He wanted to save us from eternal death. Jesus gladly paid this price for our salvation. This is what separates Him from all the other gods out there!! All roads lead to the CROSS!!! Not to Heaven! At some point you will have to come to Him and make your decision. I see I am out of space again. Will continue next post.

1 comment:

  1. Last night at our Connections Bible Study class, it was asked how we should respond to a friend after they tell us they have joined a non-Christian religion.

    My first impulse was to want to scoff, scold, and scram away from that friend.

    But WWJD? None of those things. He would love that person anyway.

    I realized how far from being like Jesus I am. As Mr. Tom recounted in this post, what sets Jesus apart is that for my sake, Jesus willingly suffered a death more horrible than I could ever imagine.

    After that, who am I to withhold love, compassion and forgiveness from another? Why do I even have to think about it?

    Lord, forgive me.
