Monday, December 27, 2010

211th Post Jesus Said On Love and Obedience - New Subject Comment.

This new part of our study will focus on Love and Obedience, not as the world looks at these subjects, but as God would like His people to look at them. This should be an interesting study, and may change the way you look at these words. The world loves conditionally. You love as you receive love. Most of us only know love on this level. God loves you unconditionally, that means He loves you no matter what you do. How can this be you say. While you were still in your sins Christ died for you. Why would God send His Son to die for you? When Adam ate the fruit in the Garden of Eden, Adam brought sin and separation between God and man into the world. Without reconciliation, all men would perish in hell. God's love for us, would not let this happen. We would have to be reconciled again to God. To achieve this, we needed another Adam, to take the sin out, that the first Adam had allowed in with his sin. This second Adam had to be stronger than the first, because He would have to resist the devil. The first Adam was not strong enough to accomplish this. The second Adam would be strong enough, because he was man and God. This is why Jesus had to be born of a virgin, if Jesus had two human parents; Jesus would be all human and not strong enough to resist the devil. If Jesus had two human parents, He would have been born into the same sin nature that we all have been born into. Being like us, He could not become the propitiation needed to reconcile us to God. He had to be man and divine also. I have run out of space again. Continued next blog.

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