Tuesday, December 7, 2010

196th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. Jesus Curses the Fig Tree Con't.

The rest of the way to Jerusalem, the disciples are trying to understand what had happened, why Jesus got so mad at the tree, and that the tree started to die on the spot. The tree had fresh leaves on it, meaning the fruit has already appeared on the tree. In the Middle East, the Fig Tree loses its leaves, and becomes dormant out of season, the fruit comes on the tree first, and the leaves appear after the fruit has come out to protect the fruit from the sun. Jesus was well aware that figs were not in season, but this tree was advertising that it indeed had figs! This tree was being a hypocrite, by saying it was something it was not. Just as Jesus was doing with His group, He exposed the tree for what it was, and caused it to die. Dual mindedness is one thing God hates. If you are for Jesus, then be all in. Jesus does not want you when you follow Him only when it is convenient or easy. Remember that this story takes place right after Jesus "Triumphant Entry" into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Remember that this tree was by the road Jesus took twice a day, going to and from Jerusalem from Bethany. Each time the disciples past this tree, it reminded them what Jesus had done there. In your quiet time, think about this story and what you know of John chapter 15. You will get a better understanding of this passage if you think on it further. Is your faith true? Or are you more like this fig tree? It is up to you!

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