Thursday, December 16, 2010

203rd Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Luke 11: 5 - 13; Matthew 7: 7 - 11 Con't.

Luke 11: 5 - 13; Matthew 7: 7 - 11 Continued from post 202.
The key to unlocking this passage is remembering what Jesus was talking about right before He spoke this passage. We are talking about prayer here. Those of you who are reading this blog and not taking my class, may have heard of the prayer group (A.S.K.), this a group that prays for others based on prayer requests they receive from a larger group. You can start a group like this within your Sunday School class or Church. A.S.K. stands for Ask, Seek, Knock; You can also do this on your own, it can be added to your prayer journal, etc. But this is not all of what this passage is about. You may get questions from others concerning the fate of people who never heard of Jesus before. If they are genuinely seeking the Lord, He will make himself known to them. The Bible is full of such examples. Why is Job's lineage not found in 1 Chronicles chapters 1 - 9? Job was not a Hebrew, yet He knew the Most High God, sacrificed to Him, all without the help of Abraham. The Bible does not say if Job ever met Abraham even. Jethro, Moses Father-in-law, He was a Midianite (The off spring of Abraham but not Jewish) and He followed the Most High God. There are many others. Our God is a God of Mercy, and He will give mercy to anyone who asks, seeks, or knocks. The last line of this text does not seem to answer the questions concerning food, mentioned in the earlier part of the text but it does, it goes to the deeper question of your life after death. Do you really know this Jesus?? Do you really follow Him?? If not, make the decision! It is up to you!!

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