Saturday, December 4, 2010

190th Post Jesus on Faith Con't. - Matthew 9: 22; Mark 5: 34; Luke 8: 48.

Matthew 9: 22; Mark 5: 34; Luke 8:48. The woman bleeding for 12 years.
Be of good cheer daughter, your faith has made you well.
This passage was spoken by Jesus about halfway through His earthly ministry. This passage in Matthew, tells only the bare facts; Mark gives more information concerning this woman. In Mark, you learn that she had tried to get cured by going to many physicians, had spent all her money and she had gotten worse. Luke's account is much the same as Mark's. The Bible is not clear on the condition of this woman's heart, was she a believer or not. Holy Men in the ancient world were believed to carry the power of healing, and could heal just by touching them or their clothes. It is said the Peter's shadow could heal people (after the death of Jesus). This woman was familiar with this idea, and moved through the crowd to just brush against Jesus. When she did this, Jesus felt some of His power go out of Him and He asked "Who touched Me?" Jesus is God, He knew exactly who touched Him and with what part of her body she had touched Him. Why did Jesus say "Who touched Me?" He wanted this woman to be known publicly. When she came forward and admitted, Jesus told her to be of good cheer your faith had made you well. Desperation, can sometimes drive us to try anything no matter how crazy it sounds. She knew Jesus was a Holy Man and as such, He had the power of healing. This was her faith and this healed her. How is your faith?

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