Monday, April 4, 2011

271st Post Jesus Said on The Kingdom of God Con't. - John 8: 34 - 36

John 8: 34 - 36
Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you are free indeed.
These words were spoken by Jesus about two years into His earthly ministry. The key to unlocking this passage is understanding what Jesus meant by slave and son. If you are a slave to sin, you are living in the world, and not doing the work of the kingdom. We are all in this position, until we have met Jesus and decided to follow Him. If you have met Jesus, but have not made the commitment to follow Him, you are still a slave to sin.

If on the other hand you have met Jesus, and decided to follow Him, Jesus changes your position from slave to son. What does this mean? When you have been elevated in position, then responsibilities become yours. Just like in a household with your earthly family, responsibilities are placed on you in the form of chores. You are required to fulfill those as part of your being a member of that family. The same thing here. When we join God's Family, we are required to try to live according to God's rules and not the world's rules. Just like our earthly families, when we mess up we are not disowned, the same with God's Family. You can choose to leave, because you have free choice, but you won't be thrown out! This is what is meant by free indeed!! You ready to make the commitment yet?? Only you can make this decision. The sooner the better.

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