Monday, April 4, 2011

272nd Post Jesus Said On The Kingdom of God Con't. - John 18: 36-37

John 18: 36 - 37. Jesus before Pilate.
My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.
This was spoken by Jesus on Good Friday morning during the time Jesus was being tried by Pilate.
Notice Jesus admits that His kingdom is not of this world, and this account seems to include the Romans and the Jews who would be responsible for His death. However, this is not exactly true, Jesus is the propitiatory sacrifice, because of our sins as humans have committed. To add to that, we have to remember that God Himself was also a responsible party. How is that possible? In the Garden of Eden, whose law did Adam break, that brought sin into the world? Since Adam was not strong enough on his own to say no to the devil, a stronger Adam had to fill the bill. This was accomplished through Jesus. Jesus could not be totally human, because Satan would be able to defeat him like he did Adam. Jesus could not be totally God either, because He would not fit the bill as our intercessor, unless He was also human. This is why the Virgin birth. The Messiah had to be both God and Man! With Passion Week coming up in the coming weeks, we have to understand the price Jesus paid, and why He can sit at the right Hand of the Father.
I will go into that in more detail, when we actually study what happened Good Friday through Easter.

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