Monday, April 25, 2011

295th Post Jesus Said Promises Made to His Followers Con't. - Authority of the Holy Spirit Con't. John 16: 7 - 15 Con't.

John 16: 7 - 15 Continued. In verse 8 Jesus tells the disciples the main reason for His coming, He will convict the world the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment. Starting in verse 9 - 11, Jesus tells the disciples how the Holy Spirit will convict the world. Starting in verse 12, Jesus reminds the disciples that His time left for teaching them is becoming short, and He still has much to tell them. Jesus shows them His compassion, for He can see that they are in no shape to absorb anymore information at this time. In verse 13, Jesus gives them comfort that the Holy Spirit will come not only as Teacher but also as Guide. When you have a guide, they are right there with you every step of the way making sure you do not fall or get lost. The Holy Spirit will not speak on His own Authority but will speak whatever He hears. This shows that the Holy Spirit is part of the true line of Testimony. Jesus told them He did not speak on His Own Authority but on God the Father's, The Holy Spirit will not speak on His own Authority but on God the Father's and God the Son's Authority. God is the one supplying all the Power!! Jesus said a lot in these few verses, and John puts it in simple language, but the topic is very strong and complete. We can use these same teachings when defending our faith in the world today. You can not be a witness, you say. Jesus gave you some things to put into your witness kit today. Only you can make use of the equipment supplied, you can either choose to take it or go on without it. It is up to You!!

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