Wednesday, April 20, 2011

289th Post Jesus Said Promises to His Followers Con't. - Authority of the Holy Spirit New Section Comment.

We have already discussed the Holy Spirit before, but now we are going to look at the Holy Spirit, from the aspect of being Promised to His Followers and the Authority of the Holy Spirit. This is an aspect, I believe the Church, does not spend enough time on. We know Jesus sent Him to be our Helper, but what exactly does that mean?? It the study of the Words of Jesus, we get different views of the Holy Spirit. I think this is a good thing, because it makes us broaden our knowledge of these different subjects. I am a Sunday School teacher, and when I get questions from my students about saving their lost family members, I ask if they are using our secret weapon? They look at me strange and ask what is that? I tell them that it is the Holy Spirit's job to turn on our spiritual switch that is inside everyone of us since the time of Noah. The Holy Spirit is also responsible for the condition of our hearts, He is the only one who can change a heart of stone, not able to receive the seed of God's Word, to a fertile soil in which that seed can grow and mature. To prove the point, have you ever tried to witness to someone who has a hard heart?? You can talk to them until you are blue in the face, and they will never come to Christ. This is because, contrary to popular belief; it is not you that brings someone to Christ!!! The Holy Spirit may use you, but you did not do it, the Holy Spirit worked through You!!! This is so we can not boast, Paul spent a lot of time trying to keep people from puffing up!

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