Monday, April 11, 2011

280th Post Jesus Said on the Kingdom of God Con't. - Mark 3: 33 - 35

Mark 3: 33 - 35; Matthew 12: 48 - 50; Luke 8: 21 Jesus earthly family visits Him.
Who is My mother, or My brothers? Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother.
This was spoken by Jesus about 1.1/2 to two years into His earthly Ministry. Jesus is teaching in a room and He is told His mother, brothers and sisters are outside, wanting to talk to Him. Jesus then speaks the passage written above. At first glance, this looks and sounds like Jesus is not interested in them. Jesus tells the people in the room that they are His family. Jesus says that because they are learning how to be doer's of the Word. At this time Jesus' natural family did not believe He was Who He said He was. Mary, His Mother, believed because of all that had happened to her since the Angel Gabriel came to her, announcing Jesus' Birth. Some Christians believe that Jesus had no natural family other than Mary and Joseph, his earthly parents. This passage proves this not to be the case, along with the Epistles of James and Jude, that were written by Jesus' step brothers later and are part of our Bible. To be a member of the Kingdom of God, does not depend on what earthly family you have, this differs from what the Jews believed at this time and may still believe. You have no control over which family God chose for you. We all have to come to Jesus on our own. Coming from a believing family can make this path easier, or harder, depending on how you perceived God under the family's teaching. We all have to come to Jesus on our own, no one can come for us. Have you come yet??

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