Wednesday, April 20, 2011

290th Post Jesus Said Promises to His Followers Con't. - Authority of Holy Spirit Con't - Luke 24:49.

Luke 24: 49
Behold, I send the Promise upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.
This was spoken by Jesus after His Resurrection but before He Ascended into Heaven. Jesus tells His disciples that He will send the Promise (Holy Spirit) upon them; but Jesus told them they need to stay in Jerusalem until you are endued with the power from on high. The definition of the word endue means to invest. Its usage here means to dwell within us. This is different than how the Holy Spirit acted in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament He would come suddenly and leave just as suddenly. When He comes to the disciples in the New Testament, He will come just as suddenly, but the difference is He won't leave as easy as He did in the Old Testament. Jesus will tell them later on that the Holy Spirit will never leave or forsake you. This statement is quite interesting, when you look at the pre-trib rapture. For the pre-trib to happen, the Holy Spirit has to leave. This is not completely true. If you look at Job in the Old Testament, God stayed where He was in Heaven when Satan was sifting Job. When Jesus was on the Cross and the place became dark from noon to 3:00p.m. God did not leave Jesus, but turned not to view His Son when He became Sin for us. If God didn't leave on these two prior occasions, I don't believe He will leave us during the pre-trib. If the Holy Spirit leaves, He will forsake someone. What do you believe??

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