Friday, November 4, 2011

367th Post Jesus on Harsh Words for the Religious System Con't. - Luke 19: 46

Luke 19: 46; Matthew 21: 13; Mark 11:17; John 2: 16
It is written, "My house is a house of prayer,"but you made it a "den of thieves."
This was spoken by Jesus, but when? Luke, Matthew and Mark's Gospels; put this at the end of Jesus' Ministry during His last week before His Crucifixion. John's Gospel, puts it at the very beginning of Jesus' Ministry, right after Jesus talks to Nicodemus. You would think John would have to have this story listed twice in his' gospel; but he does not. When this happened, or whether it happened once or twice is not what is important. What is important is why did Jesus say this at all? Exodus 30:11, says that a Temple Tax of 1/2 Sheckel was due for every male 20 years and older as payment as ransom for their life. This was to remind them that they were bought by a price. This points to the price paid by Jesus Christ the Messiah. As the Jews were dispersed from Israel because of their unbelief, the Temple started to change their currency into sheckels as a courtesy. The Religious leaders added the selling of animals to increase their business. God setup the tax, but He did not condone the fact the the Religious leaders were charging a fee for this service. Since God instituted this tax and Jesus His Son paid the price, this was all the authority Jesus needed. You see just how far from the truth we will go when we rely on our own understanding instead of God's. Are you straying? You can come back. It is up to you.

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