Wednesday, November 16, 2011

375th Post Jesus On Laments for the Cities of Israel - New Section of Study.

Laments for the Cities of Israel.
Jesus talked about various cities and their reaction to His teaching. Most of the cities Jesus talked about were not huge populated cities. Jesus mentioned these cities because they hosted Jesus and His teachings, but did not come to believe in Jesus. This is a trap many of us can fall into even today. We think that because we go to Church, we will automatically go to heaven. This is not so, this is exactly the same mistake the Pharisees made. They kept the Temple Laws, but did not know the Laws of God. God wants you to live your faith. You will notice that Sodom will be used by Jesus, as a city that was judged by God, and their judgment will be better than these newer cities. Jesus did not list the sins of Sodom, people point to this to say that Jesus accepted their sins. This is not what Jesus meant. Jesus did not list Sodom's sins, because all Jews knew what their sins were. There are people today that say Jesus would allow their sins. This would mean that Jesus was teaching another teaching other than what God the Father taught in the Old Testament. This would make Jesus statements about being the Alpha and Omega (the beginning and the end) false. How can God hold both of these teachings, and still be absolute truth. This is not possible. The fact that Church's are moving in this direction, proves that the world is going by God's Book, and sets up the rise of an apostate church. This issue divides God's House. Where do you stand??

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