Tuesday, November 29, 2011

388th Post Jesus Words from the Cross Con't. - John 19: 26.

John 19: 26
Woman, behold your son!
Jesus spoke these words the day He died. Jesus was looking down from the cross and sees His disciple John and His earthly mother standing at the foot of the cross. In Israel, widows had no rights under Jewish law. They would have to go to the fields, and glean their food. Widow's had no where to live. They would have to go to their family for their needs. Jesus, being the oldest of Mary's family, took it upon Himself to make arrangements for Mary's future. Jesus told John, the youngest disciple to treat Mary as his mother from today on. John made good on his promise to Jesus and took care of Mary for the rest of her life. John took Mary from the cross to his home. Jesus showed that He really cared for His Mother, by making sure she would be looked after, after He died and left the earth. We as Christians, sometimes forget that Jesus was born a Jew, lived by their laws and their commands. We tend to think that God changed his mind about the Jews and made Christians, His new promised people. This is wrong, there is no Bible verse or teaching that says this. Christians should look to the blessings of the Jews as proof that God will bless us as well.

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