Friday, November 25, 2011

384th Jesus Words From the Cross Con't. - Matthew 27: 46

Matthew 27:46; Mark 15: 34.
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?
This was spoken by Jesus on the day He died. Those of you that are familiar with the Old Testament, may look at these words and know they were quoted by Jesus from Psalm 22. Psalm 22 was written by Jesus' 28 times great Grandfather, King David. What makes this Psalm even more interesting is that David wrote this Psalm, 3-500 years before crucifixion was invented by the Persians. When you read the rest of this Psalm, you will notice that King David wrote about what it must have felt like to be crucified. Old Testament prophecies, are fulfilled by Jesus death, several in this Psalm 22. Can you find them? Jesus said these words when the sins of the world were placed on Him. God the Father, being Holy could not look on sin, so when He turned His back, the Shekinah Glory; (This is God's natural radiance), left, it left the crucifixion scene in near darkness. It was darker that day, than most from noon to three. The Bible teaches us that God never leaves us, so when we feel far away from God, it is us that have moved. God the Father would never forsake His Son. It was the Shekinah glory (light) that left their view, not God the Father.

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