Friday, November 18, 2011

377th Post Jesus Laments for the Cities of Israel Con't. - Matthew 11: 21 - 22, Con't.

Matthew 11: 21 - 22, Luke 10: 13 - 14 Continued.
Unbelief, has always been a stumbling block to the Jews, and to us as well. Our whole life we are exposed to two ways of looking at things, God's way, and Satan's. We have to make a decision, which of these two we will follow. It was the same for these two cities Jesus was lamenting. They heard and saw Jesus' teaching, but did not take the teaching to heart. They would go and listen to Jesus, bring their sick to be healed, but go on with their life as usual after. How many of us go to Church, hear the message and then go back home to business as usual? Jesus was telling these people that if He taught or did miracles in Tyre and Sidon, they would recognize it as coming from God and repent. This is what Jesus meant by saying they would put on sackcloth and ashes. How come would these cities repent and the cities in Israel would not? They knew and liked living in sin because they knew no other way to live. They had lived as their forefathers had for generations. To prove this, you might look at the feeding of the 5,000 and the 4,ooo. Both of these miracles were done by Jesus, but to two different crowds, with two different out comes. Sinners recognize the words and miracles of God. Those who are comfortable with their life, will be harder to change. If you are looking for God, you find Him! Even if you are looking the wrong place, God will find you! God will find you, because He knows your heart!

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