Friday, November 25, 2011

383rd Post Jesus Words from the Cross - New Section.

There are many people who say, Jesus never lived or never died on the cross; or was not the Son of God. I ask you how many itinerant preacher's that were murdered by capital punishment down through the ages, had their last words on earth collected and remembered? Even in death, this man acted different then any other man. It is my hope that you will come to this same conclusion during this study. This one life has done more to change the face of history, than any other. Jesus was born of a virgin, 100% man, and 100% God! How He could be 200%, is part of God's mystery!
We have tried to show through His words, that He was very different from any other man. He performed many signs and wonders to show through them, that He acted through the will of His Father in Heaven. He told us over and over that He was not of this world. He commands us as His followers to be in the world but not of it. Even in death, there were signs in Heaven, that showed that He was not just an ordinary Man. It has been over 2,000 years since He walked the earth, and there are many that say He will never come back. The Bible said that there would be a Redeemer born, and that He would come again. Jesus spent 3.1/2 years trying to tell the people that He is this Redeemer! They rejected Him and had Him killed. The world is still rejecting Him. Where do you stand? Maybe this study might help change your mind.

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