Thursday, April 5, 2012

464th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning End Times Con't. -Matthew 24: 32 - 41 Con't.

Matthew 24: 32 - 41; Mark 13: 28 - 32; Luke 17: 26 - 27, 21: 29 - 33, 34 - 35;  Continued 2nd post.
Jesus has been telling the disciples in this chapter about the things that will happen.  It is very important to pay close attention to what Jesus says and how He says it.  I believe this is where misinterpretations begin.  Look at the first line of this passage: "When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know summer is near."  Jesus said "near" not "here".  What does near mean??  The meaning of this word we could debate all night long, and not reach a common meaning.  This is another place misinterpretation can take place.  To help to understand these better, I believe you need to look at all Jesus said on this subject.  To do that we have been looking at what Jesus said in His other passages, and what He says in the Parables about End Times.  All of Jesus' Parables will be looked at at the end of our study.  The ones that deal with End Times, I will make you aware of them at that time.  I see I am running out of space again, and have not said much of anything.  I believe what I said is important, to understand why there are so many different interpretations of these words of Jesus.  

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