Wednesday, April 18, 2012

486th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Made Concerning His Coming in Glory Con't. - Luke 22: 15 - 18.

Luke 22: 15 - 18; Matthew 26: 29; Mark 14: 25.
With fervent desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer, for I say to you, I will no longer eat of it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God. Take this [cup] and divide it among yourselves; for I say to you , I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.
This was spoken by Jesus on the night of His betrayal in the upper room where the Passover feast was eaten. This particular feast, must have been real special for Jesus, because He was going to become the Passover Lamb, that Moses' feast was pointing to. The Passover feast the disciples ate that night is the same feast the Jews, still eat at Passover. Just like on the first Passover, the blood of the lamb, would save the believer's from death. In the time of Moses, it protected the Jews from the angel of death for one night. In Jesus' case, this would protect all who believe from eternal death. This is why, Jesus told His disciples to practice this until He comes. We are never to forget the gift, and the payment made for that gift. Jews who practice Passover, will be familiar with those two words "gift" and "payment" made for that gift. It is part of their traditional Passover meal. The "gift" is symbolized by the "Afiikomen", the payment is symbolized by the price paid by the Father of the meal, in order to get the "Afikomen" back; the Father needs to get the "Afikomen" back in order to finish the Passover ceremony. The Grandfather at the table sets the price of the return of the gift. See the symbolism here? The Grandfather being the Father of the leader of the feast. See Jewish Passover points to Jesus Christ. There are many more ways this is shown in that traditional Feast. Jesus death paid the price of our sin owed to God for our disobedience, the gift is that he paid the price we were supposed to pay. Praise God!!

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