Friday, April 20, 2012

490th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Various Other Predictions Jesus Made - New Section - My Comments.

We have been looking at several types of Predictions Jesus made during His Earthly Ministry, some came to pass not long after He said them.  Others took a little longer to come true; and still others have yet to come true.  The Bible is the Word of God, and as such, the Bible can not lie, can not contradict itself, and all predictions made will come to pass.  We may not be able to say when exactly they will come to pass.  But we know if the Bible says it, "It Will Happen!"  Jesus Himself said in His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5: 17 & 18).  "I did not come to do away with the Law and the Prophets, but fulfill."  If you have been reading this blog for any length of time you know this is one of my favorite verses to prove the fulfillment of prophecy completely.  This truth sets Bible prophecy above all other forms of prophecy out there.  I hope that this study of Jesus Words, has proven that Jesus is 'Who He Said He Is" and "He Will Do All that He Said He would Do."  Read the following posts and decide for yourself.

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