Friday, April 6, 2012

470th Post Jesus Good Friday - My Comments 3rd Post.

In the last post we had just transferred the blood from the lamb to the scapegoat, that was to be driven outside the camp and destroyed.  I asked what this had to do with Good Friday??  The answer is everything!  Jesus when on the cross cried out "My God! My God! Why hast Thou foresaken Me!"  This was spoken by Jesus at the time the sin of the whole world from the time of Adam until He comes again, was heaped upon Him.  God the Father could not bear to look on His Son in this condition, this is why the earth was dark from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  God did not leave His Son, but only turned His face, so He would not have to see His Son in as a cursed person.  Jesus had to become sin, in order to get rid of it.  This also is not taught enough today.  It took two animals to cover what Jesus took on and destroyed.  Understanding this is to understand why Jesus could make the claim "I AM the Resurrection and the Life!  No One comes to the Father except through Me!"  Jesus is the only God to have done this, and this is why He is called the "KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS!!"  Before continuing my posts on Matthew chapter 24, I will post my thoughts regarding Easter.

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