Friday, April 6, 2012

468th Post Jesus and Good Friday - My Comments.

Good Friday, my comments.  This day is observed all over the world, but do we really know why??  Everyone knows that this is the day Jesus was to die on the cross.  But why??  You may have hear this word "propitiation", but may not be familiar with "expiation".  Jesus satisfied both of these at the same time.  If you have a Bible Dictionary, you should look these two words up.  I am going to explain why both of these things had to happen to make Jesus' death the perfect sacrifice.  First the word propitiation, means to substitute, Jesus satisfied this by taking out sin and dying in our place and paying the price.  This only half way saves us.  How can this be?? You ask.  To answer this we need to look at the sin offerings offered in the Old Testament.  To have a "propitiation sacrifice" you needed an unblemished lamb.  The sinner would stand next to his sheep and put his hand on the lamb and confess his sin to the priest; thus transferring the sin from the sinner to the lamb.  The priest would then slit the lamb's throat and catch the blood and collect it to be offered in the Temple and sprinkled on the "Mercy Seat".  I have run out of room for this post so I will continue next post.

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