Thursday, April 5, 2012

465th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning End Times Con't. - Matthew 24: 32 - 41 Con't.

Matthew 24: 32 - 41; Mark 13: 28 - 32; Luke 17: 26 - 27, 21:29 - 33, 34 - 35, Continued 3rd Post.
In all of chapter 24 Jesus has been telling the disciples what was going to happen and the signs that will appear before these things come to be.  When Jesus says this generation will see these things.  The generation He is talking about is the one that sees these things happen, not the generation that Jesus spoke these words to necessarily.  This is also where a lot of misunderstanding takes place.  Jesus always told us to watch the signs, not try to put the signs in some kind of order.  This also is where misunderstandings happen.  Armed with this information, we will now continue our look at what Jesus said.  "Heaven and earth will pass away but My words will never pass away. But of that day and hour no one knows, nor even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."  How can this be, that Jesus being God, doesn't know the time Himself.  This is also a place for misunderstanding to occur.  This is what makes God Sovereign.  These mysteries, we may not know until after we are dead, and by that time "who cares!!"  Continued next post.

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