Tuesday, April 17, 2012

483rd Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning End Times Con't. - Acts 1: 7.

Acts 1: 7
It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.
This was spoken by Jesus, but documented in Acts by Luke, the writer of Acts.  We can never fully understand the meaning of this statement made by Jesus.  In order to fully understand, we would need a better understanding concerning the nature of the Trinity.  Who can fully understand Three Persons, and One God.  The Bible introduces to its readers, the different Persons that make up the Trinity.  Father, Son and Holy Spirit, these are different personalities, but One God.  The Old Testament primarily talks about God the Father, and the New Testament starts talking about Jesus the Son of God; and then in Acts through the end of the New Testament talks about the Holy Spirit and all Three.  We feel that Jesus, being God, would know all the rest of what the Trinity does.  Jesus says that this is not so, we can not understand it, but believe if Jesus says it is so.  It is so!   

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