Wednesday, April 11, 2012

474th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning End Times Con't. - Matthew 24: 42 - 44 Con't. .

Matthew 24: 42 - 44; Luke 12: 35 - 40, 3rd. Post.
Jesus after telling the disciples that He would come again, told them that they should be working at spreading the Good News of the Gospel, and not looking for His return.  This is what caused Paul to write 2nd Thessalonians.  Apostle Paul wrote both letters to the Thessalonians, to correct misunderstandings that developed after Paul had taught about End Times.  The First letter dealt with the misunderstandings that arose concerning the plight of the recent departed (dead) believer's, and the fact that Jesus had not returned before their death.  The Second letter was written, because some of the believer's sold their belongings, and went up to the mountains that surrounded the City of Thessalonica, to wait for the return of Jesus Christ.  We as believer's are commanded to spread the Good News to every creature, throughout the world until He comes.  This is our primary job; not to sit around and discuss when Jesus will come again.  We are studying it here because we are learning about what Jesus Said, and how to apply it to our lives.

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