Sunday, April 8, 2012

471st Post Jesus Said... "He is Risen: He is Risen Indeed!!!" My Comments

"He is Risen:  He is Risen Indeed!!!"  This was the phrase that resounded within the Christian community when news of the Risen Christ grew.  When we say this phrase today, we acknowledge what the early Christians said and thought on that historic day.  Jesus said that "He would lay His Life down and take it up again!"  How is that possible?  The only explanation that works is He could not unless He Was and Is God!!  This is the only explanation that makes sense.  But How could He Rise??  This is a good question, only God can forgive and do away with sin.  Jesus died after paying our sin debt, and paying the price of the curse that Adam, had brought into the world.  The Bible teaches "That the wages of sin is Death!"  Jesus to be the perfect sacrifice, and to be unblemished; being unblemished death could no longer hold Him.  When Jesus rose, He became the First fruit of the New Covenant made with the disciples in the upper room.  Jesus rose in His new Resurrected Body, we will be united with our resurrected bodies at the time of His (Jesus) Second coming.  As Jesus conquered the grave so will we as believer's!!!  "He is Risen:  He is Risen Indeed!!!"

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