Saturday, April 14, 2012

477th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning End Times Con't. - Matthew 24: 45 - 51 Con't.

Matthew 24: 45 - 51; Luke 12: 42 - 48; Continued 3rd Post on this passage.
In this passage, Jesus contrasts two stewards.  One faithful, that takes care of all that he has been put in charge of, and continues to take care of things until his master comes back.  The other is a faithful steward, who like the first, did what his master commanded for a while, then Jesus said the steward started to believe the master would never come back.  Jesus told us that He would return, that was over 2,000 years ago.  Do you think He will return??  Depending on what your answer to that question was, tells you what kind of steward you are.  If you find yourself on the wrong side, there is still time to make the corrections in your life.  You have to make the correction or you too will have the same fate as the second steward in this passage.  The "Once saved always Saved" crowd would contend that the second never was saved to begin with.  Is this really what Jesus was saying here?  I don;t think so.  I see I am running out of space again and there is way more to this passage we need to look at.

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