Saturday, April 28, 2012

500th Post Jesus Parables Con't. The New and Old Wineskins Con't. - What does this mean in Context?

Jesus was calling Levi (Matthew) as one His disciples.  John the Baptist's disciples have just confronted Jesus about fasting.  There were Pharisees also in attendance at this time.  Jesus tells the parable of the New and Old Wineskins, as a way to contrast the different beliefs of John the Baptist's disciples and the Pharisees.  John the Baptist was being held prisoner in King Herod's palace at this time.  Both John the Baptist and his disciples and the Pharisee's represent the old understanding of religious things  Jesus was offering the same message that Moses had given to the Children of Israel, but the Pharisees had studied and learned on their own understanding.  John the Baptist and his disciples have not received the whole story yet.  This was the reason for their disconnect.  Jesus was trying to tell this crowd that His message is different and new and needs to be stretched and pulled to be able to understand it.  This is part of the renewing of your mind the Apostle Paul talks about in Chapter 12 of Romans.  The old way was to react to the religious teaching, Jesus was asking His follower's to try to live the teaching.  This is new. 

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