Saturday, April 28, 2012

498th Post Jesus Said - Parables - New Section - My Comments.

Jesus' Parables:  This is a new section of our study.  It was prophesied that Jesus would speak in parables.  We are told that without proper interpretation, we can not understand them.  I believe a lot of the trouble we have in understanding them is that you need to remember that when Jesus walked the earth, most people lived off the land. We who live in large cities, believe that eggs, milk, meat and vegetables come from the market.  People who live in the country know better.  They know eggs come from chickens, milk from cows, and vegetables have to be planted and harvested in their proper season, and all this takes time before you would see it on a market shelf.  This is one problem we have in looking at Jesus' Parables.  We also need a working Biblical knowledge of the history of Israel.  Some of Jesus' Parables dealt with this subject.  I am not sure how the finished section of the Parables will look like.  I am going to start to explain the parables, as they are found, first.  I may have to also explain the context in which Jesus spoke them.  I am looking forward to this study and hope you will find it helpful.   

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