Thursday, April 26, 2012

496th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning Various Other Predictions Con't. - John 13: 38.

John 13: 38
Will you lay down your life for My sake?  Most assuredly, I say to you, the rooster shall not crow till you have denied Me three times.
This was spoken by Jesus the night of His betrayal in the upper room during the Passover Feast.  This was spoken not long after Jesus made the statement that "one of you would betray Him this night."  Peter as usual, had made a very strong statement about "he would never betray Jesus."  How much like Peter, are we?  Jesus tells us that we are weak, and we argue with Him, about how strong we are.  And then, when the chips are down, and we need to remain strong, we cave.  This happens more often than not.  The reason it happens, is because we try to do things in our own strength first, then when that fails, we call on God for help.  We need to understand, that when Peter denied Jesus those three times, he was just as guilty as Judas, the betrayer was.  Why is it, Peter was restored and Judas was not.  This is a good question, and needs to be understood.  Judas is in Hell, not because he committed suicide, but that he died before repenting of his sin!  Judas was full of remorse when he threw the money back at the high priests, but he did not ask God for forgiveness.  This is the reason Judas is in hell. 

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