Tuesday, April 17, 2012

484th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions concerning His Coming in Glory - New Section - My Comments.

Jesus told His disciples that He would return, and some of the things that would take place before and during this event.  Jesus made a lot of predictions during His earthly ministry.  Some have already come to pass; this should give credit to His authority to predict the future.  One of the biggest predictions that Jesus made that has already come true is the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. (Anno Domini).  Jesus predicted that would happen 40 years before it actually happened.  The disciples scoffed, when Jesus made that prediction,  Jesus told them that so complete would be the destruction of the Temple that not one stone would be left on top of another.  As sure as this has come to pass, so will all the rest of Jesus' Predictions.  Only God could be so accurate in His predictions.  This will be another way, you will be sure that Jesus Is Who He Said He Was!  I hope this blog will show you that Jesus is the Christ, The Messiah!  As the time for His Return, comes closer, more and more of Jesus Predictions will become true, so by the time Jesus Comes again, there will be no doubt as to Who He Is.  At the mention of His Name, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, that Jesus is Lord!!

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