Wednesday, April 18, 2012

487th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning His Coming in Glory Con't. - John 1: 51

John 1: 51.
Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.
This was spoken by Jesus at the very beginning of His earthly Ministry.  If you know the Old Testament, you might remember, the story about Jacob and a dream he had at a place he named Bethel after the dream.  In Jacob's dream he saw a stairway (ladder) that went between Heaven and Earth, and he saw angels ascending and descending on this stairway (ladder). Genesis 28: 10- 19.  Jesus was prophesying that during His ministry, people will see great things and hear powerful teaching.  Jesus is what the stairway (ladder) portrayed.  Jesus would be the intercessor between God and man.  If you don't know the story in Genesis, you might read it or reread it again.  This passage is very profound on several levels.  I hope you are enjoying this study, and that it is deepening or strengthening your belief that Jesus is the Christ and the Messiah, and Lord God!   

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